Unnuclear matter at large-charge


The utility of the non-relativistic large-charge EFT for physical systems, and neutron matter in particular, relies on controlled Schrödinger-symmetry breaking deformations due to scattering length and effective-range effects in the two-body system. A recently-found exact solution of the large-charge system is used to compute these effects for two-point correlation functions of large-charge operators in perturbation theory around the large-charge ground state. Notably, the leading effective-range effects are found to enter at second order in the effective range, in agreement with analogous calculations in the three-body system. The Schrödinger-symmetry breaking deformations are used – together with input from Quantum Monte Carlo simulations – to address the range of validity of the EFT with deformations both in general and in the special case of neutron matter. In particular, it is found that nuclear reactions with up to six low-energy neutrons in the final state can be described by the large-charge EFT with Schrödinger-symmetry breaking.

Domenico Orlando
Domenico Orlando

My research interests include string theory, conformal field theory, supersymmetric gauge theories and integrability